The Top Instagram Accounts To Inspire An Adventurous Holiday
Dare to dream? What would your ultimate adventure look like? *Warning* - this article might make you re-think your next holiday!
Dare to dream? What would your ultimate adventure look like? *Warning* - this article might make you re-think your next holiday!
In need of some holiday inspo? Look no further! We've rounded up some of our favourite adventurous Instagram accounts that will leave you inspired for days!
Literally living life on the edge, Alex Honnold has taken on some of the world’s hardest climbs. He pushes the limits of free soloing, climbing without ropes, without a partner and without any rope to attach himself to the wall. Not only has he become the first climber to free solo Yosemite’s 3,000-foot, he is also the author of ‘Alone on the Wall’, an inspiring read, which will no doubt have you wanting to step out of your comfort zone too.
On a mission to help women discover their potential and live a life that they love, Hayley is a London based triathlon fanatic, writer and business women. She is the co-founder of Break The Loop, inspiring others to ‘do what you do but do it differently,’ and has most recently co-founded Get To Know, a community for women in the creative industries. So, if you want to start turning your dreams into a reality, Hayley is definitely worth following.
This New Zealand-based photographer best known for her landscape photography has been shooting her homeland for years - captivated by its vast and varied landscape, you can even join her on an epic adventure exploring the mountains, lakes and forests of New Zealand's South Island by booking online.
Living the dream, Matt is a full-time adventure travel blogger and photographer, who’s been exploring the world for seven years. He describes his Instagram and blog ( as a place where people can find daily inspiration and motivation. “I want to show you how to travel the world, to seek experiences over possessions, and open your mind to new possibilities” – he’s certainly got my attention.
Traveling to the farthest expanses of the Earth, Chris Burkard seeks to capture the stories that encourage humans to consider their relationship with nature. His content is so compelling that it makes you want to immerse yourself in the magic; gaze at a star-scattered sky, dive into crystal blue waters and glide harmoniously along the perfect wave. His film, ‘Under An Arctic Sky’, which took two years to create, follows six ambitious surfers as they set sail along the frozen shores of Iceland, making history by surfing under the northern lights – but first, they have to endure the worst storm the country has seen in 25 years. His photographs have been featured in Toyota, Apple and Sony campaigns and has a massive Instagram following of nearly 3 million, but still argues that he is a hustler.
Owner of Agápē, a 42ft Tayana, sailing around the world, Rachel describes herself as a climber, divemaster, traveller and adventurer. Joined by her partner Josh, Rachel is one year into an epic five year trip around the world, sharing her experiences through Instagram and on their blog ( Experiencing the world in a way many of us never will, this power couple are the envy of most.
Hayley has the Instagram boyfriend arrangement of our dreams: Her partner in crime is Jacob Riglen, the director of content at @beautifuldestinations, a travel Instagram giant who currently have 10.6m followers and the person behind the lens for most of her wanderlust posts.
Photo Credit: Pietro De Grandi
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