REVIEW: I Tried A 7 Day Juice Cleanse by @BesmaCC
Are you thinking about going on a 7 day juice cleanse? As a fan of juicing for a number of years, I have to say a week-long cleanse seemed a...
Are you thinking about going on a 7 day juice cleanse? As a fan of juicing for a number of years, I have to say a week-long cleanse seemed a...
Are you thinking about going on a 7 day juice cleanse? As a fan of juicing for a number of years, I have to say a week-long cleanse seemed a little daunting at first. But when PRESS approached me to try their new 7 Days to Enlightenment Cleanse*, I couldn’t say no!
A juice cleanse is a bit like a haircut: it’s great when you need a positive life change. Last week I discovered that a 7 day juice cleanse was exactly what I’d been needing in the run up this year’s safer summer, where I want to feel my best ahead of trips to see friends and family. It’s time to get excited about life, and to feel better in my body too!
Juice cleanses typically last 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days. I’ll admit, a 7 day juice cleanse involves a little bit more commitment than the shorter ones, as well as a whole lot of juice. However, whatever juice cleanse you decide to try, the main focus should be a willingness to create a better relationship with your body.
If you’ve been with me since 2015, you’ll remember when I first discovered juice cleanses – I’d just finished my final year exams for University, and I was stuck in a not-so-great relationship with my body. I was stress eating alongside cramming for exams, and I’d all but given up on exercise. A juice cleanse seemed like the perfect opportunity to rest, reset, and get back into a better routine with myself.
Since then, I’ve been hooked, trying DIY cleanses and soup cleanses too. If you’re a beginner, a 1 day soup cleanse or a 3 day juice cleanse might be a good place to start, before moving up to longer durations.
However, if you’re ready to get a bit more hardcore, come with me on my journey across 7 days of juice!
Ok, it’s time to share how I got on during my cleanse. First, let’s talk preparation. Ahead of doing any cleanse, I like to prepare. Preparing for a juice cleanse involves:
When it comes to the PRESS 7 Days to Enlightenment Cleanse*, it’s also worth clearing some fridge space. I didn’t do the math beforehand, and had quite the surprise when 58 juices and smoothies were delivered to my door! (And if you’re wondering – all of the bottles are made with recycled plastic, and are recyclable too.)
Each of PRESS’ Cleanses* come with a glossy little booklet that outlines how to best enjoy the cleanse. For the 7 Days to Enlightenment, I was encouraged to maintain a usual daily routine of:
Alongside this, I was advised not to drink caffeine, with the exception of green tea or cold brew coffee. And of course, to drink lots of water. It may seem odd, but despite drinking A LOT of juice each day, I also got thirsty!
Once I started on the cleanse, I began to experience the usual benefits, the first being the ability to recognise cravings as opposed to real hunger. I’ll be honest, the first two days were tough for cravings – I was craving food, all the food. I wanted quinoa salad, vegan sausages and soft boiled eggs, chilli kale. Instead of being hard on myself, I decided to add in a miso soup alongside my Easy Green Juice, and kept a bag of unsalted cashew nuts in the cupboard just in case. I also went to bed earlier, and found myself sleeping at least nine hours per night.
By day three, I was excited to wake up and drink my Daily Celery Juice. I liked the slightly salty taste, followed by the fiery Ginger Shot. By now I was in a good routine with the juices, and I was also finding it really convenient. Despite being a keen cook, I liked not having to plan meals and knew I could simply wander over to the fridge every few hours. My digestive system was also thankful too, as I was no longer experiencing any IBS symptoms that I sometimes get after meals.
On the caffeine front, I did go for a cold brew coffee each afternoon. Before the cleanse, I was drinking 1-2 coffees per day, and cups of tea around that. This felt like a good middle ground, and since finishing, I’ve stuck to drinking just one coffee a day.
Towards the end of my cleanse, I started to notice real differences in my body. I’d lost a little weight, I had a bit more energy, and my skin was clearer than usual. I wanted to keep this up even after finishing the cleanse!
So, after seven days of juicing, what are the results? I have to say that this was the best juice cleanse I’ve done. While 1 day and 3 day cleanses have previously given me a better outlook on my body and diet, this 7 day juice cleanse has helped me achieve all of the following benefits:
The first change I noted in my body was better digestion. Prior to the cleanse, once or twice a week I would find myself feeling bloated after eating. This wasn’t an issue during my cleanse, and hasn’t returned since. I feel like I’m eating ‘in tune’ with my body once more, and opting for more fruits and veggies than ever before too.
The second, very clear benefit has been clearer skin. I tend to experience one or two spots on my face at any given time, but over the course of the cleanse, these went away. I think a combination of the juices, and drinking water, has really helped me to re-hydrate my skin and keep it clear.
Next up is weight loss. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really plan on losing weight with this cleanse. I actually don’t like to promote weight loss at all, as I think everyone deserves to look good and feel good in the bodies they’re in. However, I did note that I went from 59.2kg at the start of my cleanse, to 57.2kg by the end of it. And even writing this a few days later, I can confirm I’ve maintained a weight of 57.4kg by eating a high fruit and vegetable diet.
Following on from weight loss is my new approach to food. I tend to eat quite healthily, but this cleanse has given me an additional appreciation of fresh, seasonal fruit and veg. Flavours taste stronger, and I’m also continuing with a morning juice for breakfast, as opposed to my usual cereal.
Finally, it’s worth saying that I simply feel happy for doing this 7 day cleanse. It really helped me to reset my usual eating habits and daily routine. I slept more, I drank more water, and I feel better in my body. And isn’t that what it’s all about, really?
If you’d like to try a 7 Day Juice Cleanse, I really recommend the PRESS 7 Days To Enlightenment* plan. It has a combination of sweet smoothies, fiery juices, and traditional green juices, which keep things interesting, and lead to a whole host of benefits.
That said, if you’re looking for something a little different, PRESS has a whole menu of Signature Cleanses* designed to fit different people and different goals. I’ve got my eye on the Nourish Cleanse to try next!
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